February 1st a new ME!

Last Update: January 30, 2012

Yup. I missed new years resolution, I didn't have one in place in time for this month. So instead I have made it February 1st as my date to begin my new years resolution. I only a few to be honest. One step at a time, no point in having 10 or 20 because there's not enough hours in the day. So number 1 is to become more fit and healthy. 

I play a lot of football (soccer) and I have to admit, I have let my fitness down big time. I get lazy and tend not to do anything but laze around after work. Gaming is a major factor in this. Routine right now or last year was to come home from my part time job, do a bit of IM, look for a better job and then sit on the xbox for endless of hours. No more from now on. I have downloaded a long list of very motivational music, speeches etc to get me going. I have to say watching the Rocky films recently has inspired me to become fit. But I don't think I will be stepping into the ring anytime soon haha. So I have ordered a punch bag, some gloves and a bench to sit out in the garden. I will also be going for an hour jog each day.

My next one is important to me. I HAVE TO MAKE THE MOST OF WA. I have been here over a year now. I have to say, I have not made the most of my time here at wealthy affiliate. I join simply because I like the idea of being my own boss. While the earning potential is massive its not the money that I am after. Yeah I will be nice to have a whole load of cash. But I am pursing freedom. Why? Simply because I want to be able to be with the people I care about. Example, my girlfriend. We don't see each other that much, only on the weekends when we are both free. Simply because we both have to work. Yeah its life, that's what I get told. But I know for a fact it doesn't have to be like this. I don't think its right for me to be making someone else richer whilst the guy doesn't even know who I am. Yet hes picking up a 7 million pound bonus :/ 

So from February the 1st I am going all out. SOMEHOW i will make this work. Why wait 2 days when you can start now? Well I want to enjoy the old me for the last few days. Because once I have archived freedom... I can go back to being me but in control  

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jchilders Premium
Excellent 'resolution' to have! :) Good luck for the beginning of the new you.
Trek-shooter Premium
Thanks man!