Success quote of the week 15/8/12

Last Update: August 15, 2012
Hey everyone,

Here is this weeks quote I have chosen

Success is sweet: the sweeter if long delayed and attained through manifold struggles and defeats.

Hope everyone has a fantastic week!

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mama2karsten Premium
Hello Trek and Welcome to the wonderful world of WA! You have chosen to follow me and now In return, I will follow you and occasionally observe your progress. This is a great community of learning with many contributors. I would suggest the"your first 10 days" program.. it will give you the basics of getting up and running. There are so many tools for learning... use them correctly and you will become a "master of the craft"...tutorials, forums and training programs, WAbinars. And most importantly, as Kyle said.. if you have any questions, ask them. You will discover there are many helpers here... post here, post in live chat... whatever you do, post it! That way you'll find your answer. Thank you for the follow and good luck.
Trek-shooter Premium
Thank you for your kind words but I have actually been part of the WA fam for quite awhile now ;) thanks for the message however appreciate it
mama2karsten Premium
I am sorry... hard to keep up with everyone here. Can't always tell who's new and who's not. Senior moment (brain freeze) I still like the quote :)