Hunger for more

Last Update: November 28, 2010

Well the title pretty much says it all, well you might of seen in the success forum last week that i had made my first sale, boy what a feeling to get of the mark. I had a pretty a wicked week last week, celebrated my birthday on the sunday, had a week of work, and of course made a sale. But today i had to return to work :( sad times, yesterday i had to leave my girlfriend ( we only get to see each other on weekends) and i won't be seeing her for 2weeks as we are both working hard for the run up to xmas. 

So as i layed there in my bed, i layed there and thought of things, things to do with internet marketing and WA. What if i can make 80 more sales with WA, by next summer, sure my next target is to make at least 5 more sales by the end of the year. But 80 would mean that i could actually quit my job and take on Internet Marketing full time, or at least go part-time. The thing is for me, i really really want to succeed here, and after last week, i now know that this stuff is real, i take inspiration from the man that brought me here Cian, i mean the guys only 21 i think and he's going to Vagas. If Cian can do it, then i can do it, and not just me, everyone here at WA can do it.

I'm hungry for more sales, what drives me on now is the thought of having more time with the people who are important to me in my life, mum, dad, brothers and sister, my girlfriend, and be able to work for myself and not someone who only looks at me as just worker. So now my bedroom, is going to become more office, targets are up on the wall, and my laptop is now only for IM, welllllll maybe a bit of facebook aswell but hey, lol

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