Starting a fresh

Last Update: April 10, 2012



I thought this picture was funny and thought I would share it with you guys :D. Anyway hey everyone, I am BACK from my lil holiday. Ready to work away although I really need a new laptop charger and battery for this thing because at the moment I have to have it in a certain place for it to work and it's kinda annoying. Hope everyone had a brilliant Easter. I know i did I have so many eggs to eat still nom nom. 

So what's my plan now going forward. Well I think it's maybe time I started over. I do have a site getting lots of visitors. I know I am helping people but I think there is so much information on my site. I am getting hops just no sales. I've had to site now for over a year. I'm not going to quit on it but I think I should learn from this site build a new one in a different way. I now have the tools to assist me with this including Jaaxy and market samurai. I also think I am a better article writer then I was a year ago and I also know how to get myself some good content. 

I am also very interested in becoming a WA ambassador here so I am going to do my very best in blogging weekly on my journey, for some self motivation. And also trying to knock out some training stuff to help people here. 

Thanks for reading guys


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Trek-shooter Premium
Thanks for reading praise yeah I think it's a great thing to do and hopefully other people will learn from reading about my journey :)
Praise Premium
Blogging about your journey is a great way to share what your going through, vent, be grateful, and to help others too. Look forward to reading your training programs. One of the best ways to learn, is to teach. I'm in the process of working on my first training program now. :)
jatdebeaune Premium
Welcome back Josh. Hope you had a nice respite. How do you like all the changes at WA? Getting away from your sites often gives you a fresh perspective. Experiencing that myself. All the best.
Trek-shooter Premium
Thanks Jatdebeaune I have had a great rest and feel re-energized I don't know just yet. I like it but I am worried it will take me awhile to get used to the new layout. It has a facebook kinda feel to it. But I will see over the next few days how it goes. I see alot of new training has been added which is a good thing.