The next step after finding a keyword

Last Update: May 16, 2012
Hey everyone,

Just would like some help from the WA family on what my next step would be. So I have decided on starting a new adventure (Site) And instead of promoting the random clickbank product I have decided to venture into the world of physical products. After watching some of Jay's WAbinars here ( I do understand that at the beginning of everyone of his WAbinars he states this is his way of doing things and may not work for you) I have followed up to the point of finding a keyword ( the good news is it fits all requirements searches QSR .COM is available etc oh and the fact it is a buying keyword which is great) 

Should I go ahead and buy the domain on just that. What about  researching the other sites. Should I just trust Jaaxy as it is saying QSR is under 200 so it should be easy to rank. 

What Should I be doing at this stage? 

Any help would be appreciated from the family 


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Trek-shooter Premium
haha funny
Sielke Premium
It's worth the shot. What is the searches at? The only thing I look for is if there's a market for the product. If there's 400 (this is just a general rule of thumb but if you know the market a little better than it can be lower) or so searches a month this is a great domain and get to writing!
Trek-shooter Premium
The searches are decent over the required mark 500
Sielke Premium
Id take the risk or you could just send me the keyword and ill get it ;p
CTgreen Premium
Well, I'm no expert, but I'd like to throw in my two cents about your choice to start with physical products...

It may be better to start with an 'adventure' that doesn't require you to actually (physically) fulfill orders, manage inventory, and all the extra work that can be required just because you are selling 'actual things' (like tax complications? shipping costs? etc.).

Again, I'm just kind of speaking off the cuff. I could be totally wrong. But I always recommend to people who are just starting out that they get a feel for the 'easier' business model before they try to tackle a bigger challenge. Also, you don't have to go and represent 'the random clickbank product' necessarily; look for other people who do what you are already interested in. Chances are good, you're not the first person to think of it. Hopefully, someone else has a quality product that you would feel good promoting to others. If not, you could BE that person and create the quality product! I'd still say all this is easier than going into the physical product arena right off the bat. And there are plenty of great resources right here on WA for getting your own product started, I believe.

Sorry, I don't have any help to offer on the other questions you had (domains, Jaaxy, QSR under 200, etc.) except this: Never post things (like domains, or great ideas) on the internet before you have a foothold on them. You might be safe here on WA, but in general if you go somewhere and say, "Man, I can't believe is available for only 9.99 on NameCheap today!! :D " then you can bet by the time you go to register it it will already have been taken. Just a thought. =P
Trek-shooter Premium
Hey thanks for your reply. Don't worry when I talk about promoting a physical i mean by promoting something of amazon or commission junction I don't mean my own product and shipping it out. Secondly thanks for your concern but yes I would not dare put up something like the domain name or keyword :)

Thanks for your reply though appreciate it