About Tsmtih71
Joined June 2009
My name is Tiffany, I'm a college student with hopes of becoming a doctor. I'm new to the marketing scene and decided to join wealthy affiliate to help pay off some school loans. I'm only 20 years old so I know I have a lot to learn about the business world so all suggestions are welcome!
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hellraisedfire Premium
hey tiffany! I'm marj, we're really in the same boat. I'm 20 and want to be a doctor too. nice to meet you, I hope you do well here!
tsmtih71 Premium
Hey Marj, I'm glad to see we have so much in common. I wish you luck here as well as the medical field!!
sli1que Premium
Hows it going so far? You still soaking up all the info? I am. I have been putting some articles out there and blogging. Good Luck and keep it going?
tsmtih71 Premium
Hey, yea i'm still tryna soak up as much as possible. I want to start writing some articles but my problem is I'm having a hard time choosing a product to promote. How did you decide what products to write about?
tsmtih71 Premium
Thanks you really helped me out a lot. I'll be sure to keep in touch!
CEOofFun Premium
Hi Tiffany,

How is the People Search going for you? I did this last year and it didn't work out for me. Hence, I designed my own website. I have my own search engines via google and now have over 200 visitors a day. If you need any help let me know I will be more than happy to assist. Kind regards,
CEOofFun Premium
Hi Tiffany,

My recommendation would be to design your own website. You must have something that is unique to you, a hobby of some sorts. I am a health fanatic so I designed my website based on my health experiences. This has proven far more effective than working someone elses idea. You have the tools you need right here at Wealthy affiliate in the website centre. It is easy to use and you can put together something in no time.

I hope this helps. Don't hesitate to contact me again. Kind regards, Tracey
tsmtih71 Premium
Hey tracey, my people search has not been successful. I could actually use some advice if you have any to offer.

Steven.P Premium
hello aand welcome to wealthy affiliate its a pleasure to meet a future doctor Best wishes in your studies and good luck with this program. My suggestion is Dive in Read the information and apply what your reading asap. Let the excitement or curiosity that brought you here push you to the next level. Reading your profile you seem like a bright young lady that can achieve anything she sets her mind too. So give wealthy affiliate a REAL try and see if your interested. In terms of planet Earth nothing beats Health Care We all need it. My mothers a nurse here in canada and thats one job you never have to worry about losing cause people get more sick when they have no Money lol. Welcome to wealthy affiliate again and good luck!
Steven.P Premium
In terms of the best route to take. i will give you my personal view to take. I concentrate on CPA offers. What CPA offers is, is Cost Per Action. Some CPA offers dont even require a customer to enter his or her credit card information. I've gotten a few people asking me questions regarding what I think. Here's the thing I would Not Promote the wealthy affiliate program as a Newbie. Reason being it's way to competitive and it only pays $20 per referral. Plus Vegas looks terrible right now lol Vegas is feeling the recession the worst lol. So I have no dream to go to no vegas. I stay in my confort area and thats CPA. When you get a chance Type "best CPA affiliate Program" in google. sign up for one if you want to get an idea how it works. I will put it to like this yesterday i made $220.00 from ONE CPA offer.

The person did not have to enter they credit card number all they had to do was download the software. it's not common for his to happen this doesnt happen to me daily but you catch my drift wealthy affiliate pays $20.00 per referral plus the person has to enter they credit card information. I just made $220.00 for the exact same work Off of ONE CPA offer see a person promoting wealthy affiliate will have to make 11 sales before that happens.

my MAIN TIP THINK BIG. ALWAYS THINK BIG. What affiliate program is going to pay tsmtih71 the most money. Also think what product or service can I promote to the consumer that you are familiar with. When you understand a product you understand the market. from that point on it's just a matter of applying the skills they teach here at wealthy affiliate to get what it is your selling Noticed by the consumer at first glance. i hope i was as clear as possible here. Allot of people fail in internet arketing which is fine, but they fail USUALLY because they lack focus which is ok because this isnt for everyone, if it was everyone would be doing it and there wouldnt be any money lol.

But ms tsmtih71 the key is to think big go after what you KNOW your worth as opposed to what someone wants to you to sell for them. i personal consentrate my time on article marketing because i've gotten good at it. The more articles i write the better I understand the consumer and the easier it is for me to make a sale. The hardest part about article writing for me is the research portion. Once you understand your audience it's gravey it becomes a numbers game. I know for every 100 view good chance i'll get 1 sale if i'm lucky, I write at least 5 articles a day and my income steady growing. I only aim high I got bills to pay grown have no time to waste. So my advice is the same to everyone GET STARTED right away give the program a chance. If it's not for you try and find in your first month lol.

take it easy and best wishes and feel free to contact me if your stuck!
Steven.P Premium
You would first click the "jobs" tab uptop then you would click either "browse job" and look to see if you theres any job there that you think you can do. When you find a job you think you can do, what you do next is 'click "place bid" after you click that you would then enter "your bid price" for the job and also how long it would take for you to complete the job. Also theres "New Services" thats a bit more straight forward you would list your qualifications and for other Wealthy affiliate members to come check you out.

On the flip side of that you can also post jobs and post services for other Wealthy Affiliate members to apply for. You would in that case specify what it is you need and how much your willing to pay to complete the job. Hope this helps b ez
Steven.P Premium
It depends on the job, and what the person is asking for?. At times when the Person/Employer doesnt specify how much money he or she is willing to pay you(the jobseeker) you would type "---" in the "place bid" section which basically means negotiable, in that situation "you and the person/employer" would discuss how much money the person/employer is going to pay you if he/she decides to accept your Bid!!!
Steven.P Premium
yea it seems you will have to enter a number to place a bid! I was on the other side of things my error, try it that way!
Steven.P Premium
i'll PM you in the morning with the info tired TR!
tsmtih71 Premium
Hi travis,
Thanks for stopping by my page, I look forward to talking to you and learning more about the best route to take while marketing. Feel free to help me out any time lol. My mom is a nurse as well and you're right there will always be a need for health care professionals.
Talk to you soon!
tsmtih71 Premium
WOW!!!! That was a lot to take in but I really appreciate the advise. I will definitely follow what you said because it seems to make a lot of sense. Thanks so much I will keep in touch and let you know if I have any more questions.
tsmtih71 Premium
Hey, I was wondering if you could explain to me how this bidding on jobs thing works. Just let me know when you get a chance. Thanks.
tsmtih71 Premium
So how much does someone usually place a bid for?
tsmtih71 Premium
Hey, I am sorry to keep bothering you but I am having a problem...I am trying to place a bid on a job and type in "---" but it wouldn't let me do it, it keeps saying I have to enter a number. What am i doing wrong?
tsmtih71 Premium
Hey, a while ago you talked to me about CPA. I was wondering if you could reccommend any CPA programs to me. Thanks,

kuro Premium
Hey, nice meeting you, I have been here at WA for a year now. I will be honest with you. I am quitting this month after one year because I have not been able to make any money. Having said that, you could still be the next millionaire on here, good luck. But what is important is that you believe you are going to make money, I had dreams when I first started...guess I am getting old, hey you look gorgeous though, good luck to you.
tsmtih71 Premium
Hi Kuro,
I'm sorry to hear that you're leaving after a month. Maybe you can share some insight with me as to why things didn't work out.