Dominating Your Subconscious

Last Update: November 06, 2009

Do you ever find yourself sitting and imagining that you are rich? Or that you are driving that "dream" car, or are just all in all in a better position in life that you're in now? I know I do, and if you answer no to that question, then you probably aren't human!

    The thing is, is that most people don't realize how powerful those thoughts can be.  Most people, including myself let those "thoughts" stop right there, as mere wishes.  Yes they think about it all the time, but don't do anything with it.

      Why is that? I've asked myself that over, over, and over again, trying to figure the answer out.  The reason it's stops there, is because while yes you have the dream, and desire to be something or obtain something, your subconscious tells you that you can't.  Your subconscious has no bias towards you or your well being, it merely feeds your inclination of actions you do good or bad. 

    A negative example would be criminals.  NO ONE is born a criminal.  Now people are born into negative situations and surroundings, and while one may have the common sense to know that something is good or bad, his surroundings feed into his subconscious fueling him or her to do things that they know aren't right, because they subconsciously "think" that they have to.

Now think about this.  Let it marinate.  When you really think about it, you know it's true.  This is FACT.  So if you can apply this principle to yourself, your imagination and things you wish for are fuel for your subconscious, and most definitely obtainable.  Your subconsciousness determines what actions you take. PERIOD.  

There is a great book that I found posted here at WA  in the resources called
Think & Grow Rich posted by toddguru. While I am very new to IM and don't have much advise "yet" for people, I can tell you that this book is the MOST important resource on this entire site, because without the proper frame of mind, you may experience a little success, but ultimately you will go NOWHERE.  

So check out the resource and DOMINATE YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND!!  We can accomplish anything that we "truly" put our minds to.  Best of luck to all of you.            

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