My First Day of School

Last Update: August 21, 2010

Well I say “My first day of school” because this is the Wealthy Affiliate University. So I just went through some of the “getting started” material and I’m to the point where it is recommended that I make my first sale promoting WA via email to my friends and family. Weeeell, I don’t really know about all of that as of right now because everyone I know is broke and can barely afford the bills they have, let alone the WA monthly membership fee. Not to mention, I need to see if this is really going to work before I try to sell a product I’m not too sure about to low income loved ones. Though I’m skeptical, I’m confident that if this WA program is everything claims to be, then I WILL be a success story because I’m a winner and I always have been. Oh yes, I am cocky like that. <<WINK> >


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mmorales Premium
Welcome to our WA family. Ask questions if you can't find answer in the training materials or forums. ;)
Louise M. Premium
WA gives you the tools, the training and the support you need. Then it's all up to you to put in the work! But you seem to have a good mindset so I'm confident you'll make it if you work consistently. Cheers! ;)
jatdebeaune Premium
I think it's smart to be cautious. There will be plenty of time to promote WA, if you feel excited about doing it. It's more important that you get your own feet wet first.
famousplumber Premium
Ya, you are a winner! No fear! I can tell that you WILL succeed!

Larry (famousplumber)
jlovelytn Premium
I'm just getting started myself and, I have to agree...I don't think I'll be promoting anything that I'm not sure about myself. Now, if this works and takes off, that will be a difference story!