About Vcorrea63
Joined September 2009
There was a man who was walking along a sandy beach where thousands of
starfish had been washed up on the shore. He noticed a boy picking the
starfish one by one and throwing them back into the ocean.

The man observed the boy for a few minutes and then asked what he was doing. The boy replied that he was returning the starfish to the sea, otherwise they would die.

The man asked how saving a few, when so many were doomed, would make any difference whatsoever? The boy picked up a starfish and threw it back into
the ocean and said "Made a difference to that one..."

The man left the boy and went home, deep in thought of what the boy had
said. He soon returned to the beach and spent the rest of the day helping
the boy throw starfish in to the sea...

{Victor's Note} -- I AM THAT MAN.
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1skywalker Premium
what is the value of anything, we came into this world with nothing and we can taking nothing with us when we leave.
The gift we have is to love, cherish and nurture fellow human beings and everything the planet provides.
Respect for and from these alone should be enough.
And then there is money which corrupts everything.
Oh well, loved the intro above, stay well my friend
vcorrea63 Premium
Thanks for posting... wow, deep, spiritual inspiration...
Louise M. Premium
I love your story.
Glad to meet you!

vcorrea63 Premium
Thank you for your and thanks for the advice on niche markets
Felice Premium
Hi buddy,
That's true! But can I save one fish only ,even if to do this cost me a fortune?
Bye, Fausto P.
Felice Premium
This can apply to the girl I'm in love with.One of the problem is that she is of the lowest class.
To rise her class cost me some money.... and I doubt I can get on AW easily.
Bye, FP
vcorrea63 Premium
what is the value of the fish... AND also how much value/fortune you have compared to that one fish... Can this apply to our wife when we marry them (rescue them or changed their lives for us) or can this apply to our children when we need to save them from hurting...

...wow, this is deep.
Ezinewriter Premium
Hello there. Beautiful story here. We are now buddies :)
vcorrea63 Premium
Hi... great... keep in touch.
vcorrea63 Premium
make money, is never enough. Good partner/wife, good kids, great family and friends... now that is the life.