Getting Started at WA (WAAP lesson 1 + 2)

Last Update: January 17, 2011

Late last night I finished lesson 2 in the "Wealthy Affiliate Action Plan."  I really enjoyed the experience, and the introduction to the course eased a lot of my concerns about the size and scope of what WA offers.

It was great going through the first two sections of the WAAP, and I'm psyched to move on to lesson 3 when the time lock lifts. While reviewing what I've already learned, I had an interesting thought.

 What if, as I progress through the WAAP, I record here on my blog the points in each lesson that really strike me?

Doing this will give me a clear record of my progress, and a summary of materials I've covered.  Doing this publicly might even help me stay motivated, and spark a few interesting conversations. It will keep me writing on a regular basis.

So here it is, my succinct reference of what I've learned so far in the WAAP:

*Complete the tasks, and when you have downtime, do more than is asked of you.

*Be active on "Spaces," and take advantage of the forum.

*Experiencing a sense of being overwhelmed and confusion when first starting WA is not unusual.  Just trust in the beginners courses, and do your work.  That last bit is going to be a bit challenging for me, I'm the sort of person who likes to try and learn everything "right now." :)

*Internet marketing is a way to connect people with problems (consumers) with solutions (products).  There are many ways to do this, and many ways to monetize this connection.  The one I'll be starting with is the affiliate marketing model, as described in WAAP.

*CPA = Commission Per Action

*CPS = Commission Per Sale

*Remember, people are succeeding by following the marketing techniques taught at WA.  I can succeed here by working hard. This shouldn't be a problem for me, I love working, and I love learning.

*The community is here to help, and so are the program's creators.  If you help other members in the WA community, it will come back to you tenfold.

*Eventually I want to learn more about the technical side of how affiliate marketing works.  Someday I hope to get a grasp of HTML, CSS, and learn how to create scripts.  I've also got a few solid seeming ideas for database driven websites. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

*WA has a rock solid affiliate program, and some people are making serious cash with it.

*Keep track of everything you do by utilizing the calender built into your dashboard.

*WA Jobs has an active market for IM related work.  As a semi-experience article writer and occasional low-rent freelance writer, this could be a great place for me to develop my skills.

*Register a domain with godaddy.  Done and Done!  Once I've got a site up, I'll post about it, and drop a link on my profile.

*I read the Wordpress Express tutorial, but summarizing it is going to require a new post and a cup o' joe.  I'm not sure if I should be trying to build a site now, or if I should wait until lesson 7.  Since I'm already committed to following the WAAP, I think I'll just try and learn the material without taking action for now, unless a more experience WAUer tells me otherwise.

Outside of WAAP lessons, I've already learned that WA has a vibrant and friendly community.  If you read this lengthy post, please let me know by commenting!

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