Having A Plan

Last Update: September 08, 2010

One of the things about having an online business is the discipline to have a plan. I am currently working full time and hence my online business is currently a part-time thing. Therefore, I find it somewhat difficult to find the time to do what I want to do.

I lack a plan.

I know that I need to plan what I have to do everyday but somehow, even if I planned something, I find difficulty to stick to what I have planned. I am hoping to change all this.

I am happy though that I have found WA. Even though I have not achieved any significant results yet, I have found WA to have offered me huge amounts of information that are useful. I am currently learning about PPC and will be testing out the strategies I learned here. By far, the knowledge that I get from WA far beats any other PPC course that I took out there. There was even one that I paid a few thousand dollars for (big mistake for beginners like me) and it cannot match up with what I learned from WA.

Anyway, back to my topic.

I find that whenever I learn something, before I even start doing, I need to have a plan. Having a plan helps to outlay the steps towards achieving what I plan to achieve. Without a plan, I often end up doing bits and pieces of stuff here and there. So far, this has not given me and positive result.

So I hope that I can really stick to what I plan this time round with regards to what I learn about PPC here.

I also hope that this post can help those who like me, have failed to plan for their campaigns, to see the value of planning so that it can help us achieve our goals in internet marketing.

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Felio Premium
When you plan, you are one of the People Looking Ahead Now. With actions, success will come.