Rationalising Affiliate Income: Insight 1 & 2

Last Update: July 19, 2010

Lying in bed in a dark room, thinking about how much I was spending to be WA member and how I wasn't getting very far and how I really wanted to be stinking rich... well, not stinking, just rich, my thoughts branched to the businesses of my partner's parents.  They buy and sell real estate, and operate a small silver shop, a niche if you will, in a large arts and crafts market in Mexico City.

The person who comes to the shop is looking for some special item, unique and beautiful, a memento of a pleasurable trip, a gift of silver for family or friends.  My in-laws look for items with those qualities, things not only that they think will sell, but that will meet the emotional tug a person gets when he or she spots JUST the right thing.

AHA!! (Insight #1, in case you don't know.)

When I look for a niche, and products to promote to a niche, I am doing the same thing my in-laws are doing.  In my case of course, it's over the internet and the products are not necessarily something I can hold in my hands, but they are things and ideas people want, that meet that emotional tug.  So...

AHA!! (Insight #2)

Being an affiliate marketer is a worthwhile occupation of my time.

These insights were huge for me, because I had been treating my affiliate memberships and my studies on WA as a hobby.  In fact, I had subconsciously convinced myself that affiliateship was the half-sibling of scamming, because the concept was so simple: be paid to have a link to someone else.


Now I know that being an affiliate takes work, but the work is potentially life-changing for me and for my customers.  As an affiliate, I have influence in the world by my websites and my promotions.  My influence depends on the quality of the products I promote.  And if my promotions are for products I believe in, I can enjoy both the search and the promotions, just as my in-laws enjoy choosing and promoting the silver goods in their shop.

And who knows, I may even become... rich.  Huge!

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Crablens Premium
That was a great example of finding the right Niche. Thanks for that.
xploringsuccess Premium
I like your post. I was just thinking the same thing.