Walkin' Willie's Big Gnarly Blog

Last Update: August 25, 2010

Can't have this space completely empty so I'll yap a bit. Next week, I'll be heading down to Atlanta, GA for Dragon*Con over Labor Day weekend. If you have never been, it is probably the largest pop culture convention in the U.S. It covers the four largest hotels (and they are LARGE) in downtown Atlanta and has over 32 programming tracks - e.g. comics, art, music, sci-fi, film festival, a parade.....even Dragon*Con wrestling (strange....).Heck, Dragon*Con TV is piped into the hotel rooms.

Attendees go overboard dressing up for this thing - think Mardi Gras type but more in the sci-fi/comics genre. I'm a comic book dealer so I keep it pretty tame.

 If you have never been, you ought to go once in your life - the eye candy alone (both good and....not so good) will keep you thoroughly entertained.

 Thing is, this might be my last Dragon*Con as I am getting out of the comic trade paperback business (still will deal in comics though) and that is about all that will sell down there. Bring a $1800 dollar comic for your display wall and the attendees just gawk ("You mean a comic exists that is worth $1800?") so the demographic isn't there for the expensive stuff.

 More later....

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