About WarMac
Joined November 2009
Hello everyone! This is my wife and I. We have two daughters and one son. Two children are at home and one has left. Two and a half years ago we lost our lucrative electrical business. Since then it has been a strugle. But we still have each other, which is everything these days. So, that's me in a nutshell.
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babyboomer20 Premium
Hi WarMac. Just popped in to say Hi and offer you my friendship. Congratulations on taking a step to "Owning Your Life". Wishing you all the Success in your LEARNING to EARN!! Would it be OK if I added you to my Buddy List? I'd like to be your friend... Please feel free to add me. Marty : )
Jimmy Massey Premium
Welcome to WA,

My name is Jimmy, If there is anything that I can do for you just send me a message and I will do everything in my power to help you out.

"He who has a WHY to live for can bear almost any HOW." -Friedrich Nietzsche
kadcpp Premium
Welcome to WA!
WarMac Premium
Thank you. Seems like your jumping right in. That's good, forward motion always leads to success. Good luck on your IM journey!
Slugger_mn Premium

Now hard feelings about the Virus.. I hate Virus Crap, and I thought you were some guy sitting in a hut somewhere laughing at me.. Which I don't like the idea of very much ..

I got your PM and changed the Forum Message Right away so no one else would see it, I just didn't want other people to fall for it if there was a scammer inside the w/a...

It did kinda wreck my night, but ill live.. haha No hard feelings.. That crap happens to the best of us-

So PM me or whatever with questions, I am happy to help!


Slugger_mn Premium

Well, that is just fine.. feel free to waste my time.. It is what I do.. I am happy to help! Send me a PM and I will look over your campaign.. all I need is the URL of your "landing page" I will do the rest..

Also, once you know how to delete a virus, it is easy to re-do, so I downloaded it again just to make sure that I was accusing the wrong person.. cause that would be un-cool! haha,

So you might want to run a scan of some kind to get it out of your computer... I am not sure what kind of scan.. haha, but see if you can kill it.. I would hate to see you giving it out to anyone else-

Look forward to hearing form you-

WarMac Premium
Can't blame you, I would of done the same thing. Once again, my apologies. I have been dedicated as you have been, but not as succesful. Got a few campaigns going but nothing like the both of yours. Hey...by the way the opt in page, there is a word mispelled above the name and E-mail area. Thought you should know. Page looks great though. Got a ton of questions but I am not going to weigh you down. If it's to the point where I am realy jammed, I'll give you a shout. I'll PM you and spare you the agony of my E-mail. Thanks
WarMac Premium
Hello everyone,

I just joined a few days ago, and I am soaking up all of the information on the site here. Trying to find the path I need to take to get started. But just like everyone else, I feel very overwhelmed by all of the information. Most of all I am determined and driven and most of all excited about all the information. Need to concentrate on one item at a time for now!