My First Affiliate Marketing Focused Article Campaign

Last Update: June 11, 2010

Today I got off my butt and actually set up the initial structure for an affiliate marketing campaign focused on promoting Wealthy Affiliate.  For some reason I had been hesitating with some of the mechanics, but I'm over it.

I decided to start with promoting WA itself because it just seems to be the path of least resistance for me.  I noticed that I was getting distracted and sidetracked with all of the various niche options available to me and couldn't seem to commit to one.  Since WA itself is proven and there is a wealth of people to model, it seems like a logical place to start and get focused.

I set up my WA webhosting and decided to use one of the feeder sites for the time being (served on my own domain).  Left to my own devices I would probably prefer to set up a blog, but I figured I would find a way to drag out the website design if I went that route and my intention was to have something up and running today.  So the feeder site it is.

You can see it operational here: Best Affiliate Marketing

I also managed to get my first article written and submitted to a bunch of article directories and am working on my second one right now.  My goal is 100 articles in support of a WA campaign before I focus on building a campaign for another product.

All in all, I consider today to be a "win".

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warrenhw Premium
Thanks for the feedback. @simoncowan yes, I've posted a message to the forum asking about that. It's a feeder site being served in a frameset, so I'm not sure how to update the price.
simoncowan Premium
this is a good step forward, however you may want to review the price of WA on your site as it's at the old price of $29.99 and not $97.
sadfrog Premium
jatdebeaune took the words right out of my mouth. That's impressive work!
jatdebeaune Premium
Congratulations! That's fast progress. Impressed.