About Wealthysublime
Joined January 2009
Name's Mike.
21 years young
Chicago-land area (northwest suburbs) in a town called Schaumburg.

I used (webs.com) to create my First (and only at the moment) website. I HIGHLY recommend Webs.com to anyone who wants to build a self explanitory site from scratch!.... ITS EASY!!! It is also great preperation for making Wordpress.com blogs, the two are a lot alike.

I am now trying to research on how to succesfully promote WA, not for the money either (because I havent made any yet) but I can see the ultimate potential here and everyone I ve come in counter with so far has been completly helpful! Thank you guys... So I desperatly want to turn people to this simple and real financial oportunity of truth!

I live for Will-Power, and Perserverence! If your a WA member and your reading this I know you too have these divine gifts as well and that niether of us would have made it this far having probably been overwhelmed by all the information out there and every GURU trying to sell you something similar to WA!

God knows you have your own questions in the marketing world, as well as I so lets help eachother huh? Ask me and Ill help, asking if I need help is okay too! The internet is ever changing so Im sure no one will ever go without question throughout their marketing career.

Once I am tuning people onto WA every day as my campaign grows into something I can eventually fall back on, I would then like to take up my next campaign around a hobby of mine, Skateboarding (oldschool)! as far as hobbies go! Every great dream has to start somewhere though so any help on promoting WA would be gladly appreciated...

Remember, "with Man this is Impossible, But with God all things are Possible!" -John 19:26 God Bless All
Wealthysublime's Accomplishments

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Recent messages
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
corxmega Premium
I like the profile.. Stay true my friend!
wealthysublime Premium
Thanks bud. Money doesn't buy happiness. I am not suggesting that this is the way you think, but you will soon discover the opportunities that lie ahead with this program, some that need money to make happen. So welcome to the club.
DJAY Premium
Hey wealthysublime....Welcome to WA!
DJAY Premium
lol...thanks man...they were a little expensive, but what can you do right?? ;)
WA community is definitely a friendly bunch...when you have questions just post and guaranteed someone will be able to help..
wealthysublime Premium
Thanks for the welcome nice to see WA's members are friendlier than ever upon an hour of signing up. By the way nice shades dude i need a pair
wealthysublime Premium
they look expensive, lol. So in what direction are you looking into marketing online? I could use all the advise I can get Im a sponge! Have you made any money online yet?
VictoriaNTC Premium
Hi Mike! I found you.....I am happy to help any time!
wealthysublime Premium
Donating my monthly WA Gold to your Feeding The Children campaign. Glad to be supportive of such a great cause!