3 Checks Later - Thanks WA

Last Update: March 09, 2011

 A Start - A Little Success
A New Company
and 4 New Clients
All Because of WA.

Just wanted to let all of the new people that have started here at WA and those that have been members that may still be looking for their first sale that Sometimes, you just jump right out and do it. Sometimes it takes a little while but if you use the training tools here at WA and take advantage of the Wonderful advanced members that reach out with their valuable information WA will get YOU moving in the right direction.

You will do it.

I joined WA last year.  My story is very similar to many of yours.

I have been transformed into an affiliate or offline marketing person.  I put together my small company in an effort to be able to help small to medium size business in my area get their businesses up and running again especially in this wonderful economy we are having here in the US.  

I call my company Xcelerated Web Marketing.  

Three weeks ago I started marketing my business and now have 3 clients signed up, just met with another person, handed my brochures out to everyone at the bank where I opened my business account and I am on my way.

It’s easy and fun to collect the checks. 

Now for the good part.  I have somewhat replaced myself.  I investigated the opportunities available to us in the Philippines.  Went through 3 people before I found my new IM Manager.  She is very good and had worked at a huge company in her city that had her doing lots of the stuff we learn here.

So now I go get the business, send it to her, we discuss our plan of action and away she goes.  It’s just that simple.  And, this Affiliate stuff can be just that simple for you too.  The trick is to learn first.

3 checks later and still going.



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April2012 Premium
Helping small businesses in this economy is the best service one can offer. Great job and congratulations on your clients!
Mirel Premium
Well done Webkab! please keep us updated on your :).
jimmywrex Premium
Awsome stuff !!!
chunkynonkey Premium
3- checks later! like the sound of your success -this is what i- we all strive for! go to work in your own home or apt. set our own schedule 4- 6- 10- hours a day ,what ever motivates our spirit- thanx- fellow member bill
Pounders Premium
Congrats on your success! Your certainly headed into the right direction. WA does work!!!!!