How my first week has gone

Last Update: May 09, 2010

Well, I have found it a bit overwhelming but am determined to keep going. I find myself going off on tangents and before I know it I have lost a few hours :)

So, I decided that I would concentrate on one thing at a time. My first task is promoting WA itself. This way I can learn and start earning recurring income. Once I'm happy that I have that on track I will move on to other niches. Otherwise I think I will just get analysis paralysis and not achieve anything.

Does this make sense or have I lost the plot?

I'd be really interested to know how other people have coped with the overload of info :)

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Wenders Premium
Hi Shaun,
I am just trying to throw as much traffic at it as I can. Fortunately I already had a URL from a previous attempt so I have pointed that toward WA. I am trying to submit articles but am finding it extremely time consuming. So, I have spent a vast sum of $9.99 to a site that will send 10,000 visitors to my site. Maybe a waste of money, but I'm thinking if only one person joins I will get back my $9.99. I am looking for other 'quick fix' ways to get more traffic as I can afford to spend a little money on it. I'll let you know what I find. Wenders
uk_newbie Premium
Good plan, i too am just coming to the end of my first week and despite making what i feel is good progress in certain areas....i too have gone off on major tangents and my heads spinning!

How are you going to market for potential future WA members? Any ideas? Shaun