Posts by WErRush 14
August 15, 2012
Hey all, even though I haven't said too much on blogs or chat lately, I have been spending time in here learning. I don't have much time to devote to this, but I have finally started seeing results. I only have made uno dollar, but, today I finally got a first page ranking with one of my articles! (#5.) I'm excited.Anyways, noobs, just follow what everyone is teaching you here, it'll pay off if you follow the directions. It's always better to learn what has worked before, rat
Hey all, I have been quiet for a little while, it has been hectic. But, I haven't been neglecting my learning, and I wanted to pass a helpful hint along.This goes for noob's as well as you old pro's, if you haven't checked out @PotPieGirl 's stuff, you're missing out.She got started and became a pro all by herself, so she knows the ins and outs of IM. She will get you started in the right track, or get you out of a rut if you are stuck.Trust me, she's very informativ
July 10, 2012
Hi all, I quickly wanted to ask, I think I heard that Plesk is no longer available or being used by WA? If so, I'm in the process of trying to set up another website and it's critical for this one to have an email affiliated with it. Is there some way @ WA to do this, or should I just set up my own through gmail or something?
June 29, 2012
I know this is a noob question, but it would help me tremendously. I need information about keywords.How they work, how to use them, and such.Google - How do the keywords work in google? Is this Title keyword, or is it the keywords in your site, or the in the site description that you write up? So, how do they work from your site to google, and what is the function to getting on 1st page?Articles - First, how do they work in articles? Should you have the keyword in the title? Should there be key
June 25, 2012
Hi all. I had to laugh this morning, as I pulled into the bank. As I was heading through the drive thru, someone was parked in front. He/she had a 2 door 6 seires BMW, with some dubs (rims) and extreme tinted windows, totally done up. Anyways, I'm a diehard ATL Falcon fan, and I always check liscence plates of awesome cars, to see if maybe it's a player, so out of habit, I checked this plate. You wouldn't believe what it said, and I just laughed. The plate was "ATL SEO". Now, I don&#
June 24, 2012
YAY! OK, last week, I posted that I was going to take a full work day and devote it to my IM adventure. Well, I did it, and I'm super enthused with what I was able to accomplish. I'm getting readers on my articles, and a few click throughs (slightly perturbed that my site isn't fully functional), but I can see how it will work, now. Anyway, I now have a direction and a semi-plan, and I'm looking forward to many more opportunities because of WA.I have gotten 4 ideas for niches, an
June 21, 2012
Hey all, Ive tried to post a couple of articles over at SA today, and they both got denied. Both because of keyword stuffing, which I didn't even thikn about when I wrote them. Anyways, one can be fixed fairly easily, however, the other one, although it is keyword stuffed unintentionally, it's about that keyword. So how do I go about getting this fixed? Am I able to talk to the moderators and see if I can explain, or is there some other way to get around it? The thing is, the article is
June 21, 2012
I have a question. It seems that my site has a direct link to edit page at the very top. If I click, it goes to where I can edit, and update, and save changes. The problem is, so can everyone else. How do I fix this problem?
June 20, 2012
Wow, there is so much going on here, it blows my mind. Lol, I can't get over how much this site (WA) helps, I could spend pretty much every waking hour browsing and learning, for years, it seems like. Anyway, I'm spending my first full WA/IM work day in the morning. First day I have been able to salvage from my overflowing schedule. So, look for a couple articles @ SA, and maybe a couple more blog postings. Thanks again, for everything, ya'll
June 12, 2012
Hi all. Guess what? I posted my article Sunday afternoon. I just found out that it was rejected. I was wondering, I know that this has to do with StreeArticles, but I couldn't find anythin in there, so I was wondering if any of you know what the criteria for rejection is? I was under the impression that there would be a reason listed for this rejection, but there is not. If anyone has any info on how I can find this stuff out, so I can rework my article and get it posted out there, please he