Finally posted

Last Update: June 10, 2012
I finally posted my first article to streetarticles. I hope it can be informative to some of you. Does anyone know how long it takes to get published after submission?
I'm still working on the site it's linked to, it's my main project, and an ongoing task. My plan is to have a couple of other niche focused sites up in a couple of months, after much more strenuous research. So, if ya'll have any helpful hints or tips for me, I'm all ears, thanks
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veronica.l Premium
Awesome, good job this is a big step, keep up your good work!!
Labman_1 Premium
I agree with what BIS has said. Try to work on one until you have it ranking and getting traffic. The first one will take a bit more time to get going. After you have one under your belt then you can branch out and apply what you have learned on your first site to another.

But try to maintain your focus on one site for a bit.

There is lots to do. Don't worry about running out of tasks to complete.
BIS Premium
It does slightly depend on which time zone you live in to how quickly your articles will be published in SA.

Weekend is still typically much slower that any other time of the week.

I have had articles approved within 20mins of submitting them - once it was about three minutes but I put that down to just being lucky.

However, it is generally accepted the day you post it - but as I've already said the length of time can be affected if you live in a different time zone from Canada.

Well done for getting your first one out.

Just a tip from what you said about getting another couple of niches set up in a couple of months. Just be aware of spreading your efforts to thinly when you start out.

Best wishes

Amy Farr Premium
Isn't it scary to write an article to link to a website that has basically no content/?
I say this because I just did the same took 24 hours to get my article submitted, and it was just accepted yesterday, so congrats! We are freshman together on this journey!
God bless!