Just the beginning

Last Update: May 29, 2012
Hey everyone. My 1st day nearly down. I have no idea about anything having to do with internet marketing, but I'm looking for any avenue to get myself home and spend all the quality time I can with my family. This sounds like an amazing family here, and I am looking forward to getting to know each of you better on this path.
I'm fairly amazed that I went all the way up to 950 ranking this quick, I guess not all the members contribute as much as I thought. I can't wait to have any knowledge that I could possibly pass on to any of you, this is going to be exciting.
I've never done a blog, either, so this might sound like stupid rambling :-)
haha, thanks ya'll
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WErRush Premium
3rd day down, 27 to go. So much information here, amazing.
WErRush Premium
OK, finished with day 2 on the 30 day plan. Website's looking good. This whole WA site and network is amazing. Thanks, Carson and Kyle, amazing that there are a couple people out there (and a whole family of ya'll) out there that are so willing to help others.
WErRush Premium
I started on my website, with the beginning creation of the domain. There's so much information, wow! blown away. I guess ima keep on plugging away, one day at a time
Sielke Premium
welcome, this is definitely a great way to get home to your family more often!
Franklin Premium
Hi WErRush...looks like you got your blogging going OK to me..ha...Be sure to start the 30 day Success training in your Training area..
WErRush Premium
Started day one, thanks man