Posts by Whitimike 2
October 09, 2009
I have spent the last few hours reading blogs for inspiration and a very good article from potpiegirl. After I have read a few more articles I will devise a plan of attack which I will post........may even get some advice! I will keep you posted on what works for me and what doesn't. Cheers whitimike
1 comment
October 08, 2009
Well having just spent the last few hours absorbing all the valuable information its time now to throw my self into this head on. Hopefully I will learn by mistakes and bring some great products too the world. I have been blogging and working web sites for a while driving traffic to my real estate listings - this is starting to pay I know the basics just need to implement it into this form and forum.......good luck all you WA's out there in cyber world. Cheers Mike By the way