Sunday Morning!

Last Update: March 07, 2010

Ah, another day! I woke up and immediately grabbed my computer. I need to re-read everything I read yesterday about market research. Just trying to find a few niches I can research. Then I can narrow it down and maybe even start some key word research before the next lesson in the action plan becomes available.  Such good information here! And after each tutorial, I try to find some posts in the forum for further explanation. So many people are so well versed in so many aspects of internet marketing here that it makes me feel like success is inevitable as long as I keep my motivation up.

I'm going to try not to overdo it, but there's so much good stuff that I just want to read everything I can access! I just want to start everything all at once! I know that's not a good thing though. I'm expecting a different result, so I can't do what I have done in the past. I'm slowly forming an idea of what direction I want to go in marketing. But I'm not sure if I want to start with straight article marketing or squiddoo(or however else you spell it). Just got some more reading and research to do, I guess. I love to write, so I'm thinking those two forms of marketing would be a good start, although I know very little about article marketing and even less about squidoo marketing. All in due time, I guess...

 So main task for today: market research. Wish me luck!


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