About WillYap
Joined February 2008
Will has been learning Internet Marketing since Oct 2007. After 18 months of bashing his head against the wall trying to make IM work, he finally seen a strategy that works.

Favorite traffic strategy: Article Marketing.
No so favorite traffic strategy: Pay Per Click (PPC). Hate it and love it at the same time. Hate it when slapped by Google. Love it when ROI is 300%.

Favorite pass time: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) and Crazy Monkey Defense (CMD). I spend 4 days a week working out at the gym mat.
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WillYap Premium
Will Yap is a newbie internet marketer. I spend most of my free time working on my marketing campaign and blogging. To keep fit, I do Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ). I have been practicing BJJ for the last 2 years and hold a blue belt.
WillYap Premium
Ohh that... Kyle and Carson launched it about 5 months back. It's call WA Gold. It's WA Community currency.

You are given a set of WA Gold every month. It encourages members to contribute and help each other. It sort of like a "token of appreciation". If you feel certain information is off value to you, you can donate some WA Gold to the author. You can collect the Gold and exchange it for monetary value.

I have never gotten to use WA Gold though. I run my campaign mainly on Clickbank.com product.