About Willyfrank
Joined August 2009
Posted by:Willy Frank

This is Willy Frank From Seattle Wa. With My Beautiful Wife Samantha and two daughers Destiny And Harmony This is my story on how I went from being a Ready Mix Truck Driver working over 60 hours a week to now making $7,700 to $8,500 a month online. This is very solid and real. And this is without ever needing to pick up the phone and try to sell someone anything. I was able to nearly double my previous jobs income, working less than 10 hours a week on my computer at home. And I am on track to double That This year. I'll Tell you the rest later.

For More Info. Please See My Sites
Willyfrank's Accomplishments

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Louise M. Premium
Welcome Willy !!

Glad to have you here !! Have questions, need advices ? Don't hesitate to PM me, always glad to help !

See you around and all the best to you !
babyboomer20 Premium
Hi there Willy, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you & congratulations on becoming a part of WA, it is the greatest place to Learn to Earn!! All the best to you and please feel free to click your mouse on my profile and send me a message, I am always here to help!
Willyfrank Premium
Hi Will I'm new to WA Just want to introduce myself, I live near Seattle with my Lovely wife Samantha.
Willyfrank Premium
Thanks Everyone I''m Feeling right at home already.
Roan Premium
Hey there. Joined today and I just stopped by your space. Sounds really good. I wish I could make that, and I hope I will earn that much a month! First I need to learn alot more and make my first sale ;-)
Roan Premium
Wow! Is Dreamtrips really your website?? That's awesome! It looks so professional!! That's brilliant! Is it going well? I mean during this recession, people are a bit more held back on booking trips..Well done, picking the colour blue ;-)
Roan Premium
Alright thanks alot for the info. I'll keep that in mind :-)
Willyfrank Premium
Hi Roan, And Welcome To WA you'll do well with internet marketing, The next time you visit my space Check out my sites for Dream Trips, It may be just what you need to start with. Best of luck
Willyfrank Premium
Hi Roan, Thanks for checking out the travel site. What we do is offer a Dreamtrips membership
to our customers, There is a one time setup fee of $199.00 and $19.95 per month and all of the trips
can be had at the wholesale price instead of retail. And yes we sell a lot memberships.
For more info. Please e-mail me at. Bigwillystyle@comcast.net
funjob Premium
Really like your story, keep us up to date on your great progress!
Willyfrank Premium
Hey Funjob, Thanks for stopping by my space, You guys have all the fun up there in Canada. To your success!! Willy