Posts by Winch330 20
Day33: June 25, 2011 (Sat):   Read a "conversation with Nick"  by PPG.  Keyword research guide  Day 34: June 26,2011 (Sun):  Day off, more reading... check stats.   1st page ranking for ezine article on "attraction niche" at 8k search quoted... stats: 115 views in one day with 12 CTR...  1st squidoo lense index by google:  stats: 51K non quoted "1st place ranking on SERP"  1K quoted also 1st place ranking  Plans
Day30: June 22,2011 (wed): More reading about email marketing and PPG's post/sites    Day 31: June 23,2011 (Thurs):1 month Anniversary !!!  Did keyword research, build my first squidoo lens, lens finish by afternoon, RSS feeds, lens optimization, registered with free blogs   Day 32, June 24, 2011 (Fri):  blogging, keyword research, wrote 2 article submitted to ezine + goarticle, submit article to hubpage.  More reading on One Week Marketing Campaign=) 
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Day 28: June 20,2011 (Mon): Wrote 2 articles on forex trading signal, keep up with my forex news on Greek debt crisis. Wrote 2 articles on Greek debt crisis, keyword research on zulutrade, more reading posts/forum/emails  Day 29, June 21,2011(Tues) Learn more about optimizing landing page and ppc. Read modules on email marketing, learn about squeeze page and important of building the list, reading PPG's post and the DAM way method. I really enjoy potpiegirl's post =)      &
Day 25: June 17,2011 (Fri)  landing page finish, adwords, google problem   Day 26: June 18,2011 (Sat)  Re-read article marketing, question about adwords, planning/organization  Day 27: June 19,2011 (Sun)   Going through street article, try to determine how to get over 20% CTR on article marketing, wrote 3 articles to streetarticle and submit with natural links.  Hypertargeting one landing page for now as testers.    Plan for next week:  Hyper tar
To everyone on WA space,   I am not sure if other ppl are getting this, I've been working on my landing pages and felt ready to start up an adgroup on google and then before I even launch anything, I got a msg from google saying my landing page is considered "a bridge page"...    Does any of you received the same msg? I just double checked with the WA forum and seems like ppl are having trouble promoting clickbank products with PPC?   I didn't get suspension as some
For those who are reading this post, I've been recrafting my landing page according to the landing page optimization guideline for PPC traffic generation.    I would like some constructive feedback from members of this WA space for further improvement and what I can do before I launch my PPC campaign.  My Focus:  My niche is forex trading and this is one of my concept page featuring a review of recommended t
Day 23: June 15,2011 (Wed): Finish reading beating adwords, organization and planning for PPC.  all 14 articles are active on ezine.   Day 24: June 16,2011 (Thurs):  re-polishing my landing page again by reading carefully on landing page optimization. learn how to create tables on wordpress express using tinymcd advanced plug-in,  website product review template.     
Day 21: June 13, 2011 (Mon) Finish reading entire article accredition course, success post, a little bit of ppc, ask some questions with ezine, play around with squidoo   Day 22: June 14,2011 (Tues)   Reading PPC accredition course, created google adword account, 1 ezine article got active, tweaking my landing page again.
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Day 19: June11,2011 (Sat) The email from day 19 said we should list what we accomplished so far so I thought I should spent the time here to do more self-reflection on what I did in the last 19 days and what I should continue to work on in the near future. Theories: general principles of internet marketing, website building, basic html coding, article marketing, little bit of PPC, keyword research, researching on target audience and finding relevance. Action: build my own website build 3 conc
Day 17: June 9,2011 (Thurs)  Afternoon Session: Waiting for articles to get active, in the meantime read up on WA super affiliate program, PPC, and how to improve further on article marketing. Continue building up my yahoo answer account to 200 points now!!  50 more and I can start posting link at level 2:)     Evening Session: Build up yahoo answer to 240 points!! 10 more and I am at level 2. Organization and planning for another article session tomorrow. On google analytics
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