Keyword Research Strategy Guide using google external adword tool (condensed version video by WA mem

Last Update: May 28, 2011

There's a video from one of the WA members on combining google keyword search tool with google competition KW tool for domain name selection. 


Settings in Google keyword:

1st step: location set all  (instead of Canada or USA or any region you live) 

2nd step: on the column tab located on the right (check global monthly search) uncheck rest 

3rd step: do a blank search and find the match types (broad, exact, phase) on the left side of the column 

Starting phase: 

1) Find keywords using phase or exact match types. 

 2) Aim for at least 1,000 phase result or 700+ exact result

3) Go to google competition tool in WA and type these keywords 

4) if it's good use this for your domain 


Keywords used for Article writing: 

1) look for 100+ exact searches

2) write articles on street article using these target keyword 

3) expect 50-70 search/month for that article to drive free traffic. 

4) keep writing articles and repeat step 1-3 


Please feel free to expand or if there's any better techniques let's share it here:) 



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Eimi Premium
I learned recently some Internet Marketers use tool's like Market Samurai & Micro Niche Finder. Its supposed to save you time & lists all other competition, SEO traffic & competition, Adwords value, etc.
Labman_1 Premium
That about sums it up for that resource. Make sure you check out the free Keyword tool here at WA. The search numbers are similar but the searches are more focused.