my first post

Last Update: April 19, 2010

Don't have many buddies here yet and visitor count is low so this is mainly for my own benefit.

I have been involved online a while now and have already learnt loads along the way. I truly believe I have all the pieces to start making progress. This foundation and hopefully the growing WA community will help me grow as I help them.

First things first, I need my own action plan. I have been silently taking in the strategies of the successful and my baseline action plan starts here.

Online Identity - There seem to be a lot of successful marketers who have an identity. I am just an average Joe who has a natural talent for computers. So Dan from oxford doesn't really have a unique glamorous identity. So the birth of Wizz Kid is born. Love the theme, worried that it may portray a child like identity. But then there’s identities such as Rich Jerk, who would have thought that people would buy into an arrogant sales identity. Well I’m sticking with mine for now until the next 'braingasm' comes as it best suits my personality.

Personal blog/selling services - I have previously made a tidy profit selling my services which are; corporate identity creation, logo design, mascot creation, eBay storefronts & listing templates etc. This not only improves the quality of what I'm good at for my personal development it pays for any overheads associated with online marketing.

Affiliate Marketing - This will form the tail end of my activities, I am in no rush and start one campaign at a time. I have previously made small profits in this area but it was mainly learning tasks than real income.

My own product - Once I have truly advanced in the above, hopefully in one year from now I can share my techniques. There is fierce competition already and this is the bit I am struggling to understand. All these 'products' have almost identical sales pitches website layouts and every time I come across one I just see rubbish/scam all the information is available online why pay someone to search for me. I will truly create something that is different that really helps people make money and the tools and techniques I use. I still believe people hide their techniques in fear that it will add competition.

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jatdebeaune Premium
I look forward to your product when it comes out. Meanwhile, I'm going to pick your brain. If my strengths can help you too, then you can pick my brain. All the best to you. Joan
Scar0204 Premium
hey i am new to wa i just want to stop by and say hi
mllnmhawk Premium
Hey Wizz Kidd, What's Happenin? I think the name is great. I too have an online identity "Mllnmhawk". It started in 2000 with the new Millennium, Hawk was a nickname my best friend gave me and was used for top scores on video games as my call sign, lol. It sounds like you've already done some impressive things online. I'll look forward to your creation down the road. Anyway it's great to be here, and I'm glad to meet you. I'll catch you on the rebound.