Internet Marketing - Guerilla Style

Last Update: June 12, 2010

It has been a tremendous climb, we haven't made it to the summit yet, but we will.  This is for all the newbies - Keep on Pushing!

Corporate Marketing and Internet Marketing are completely different beasts.  You have to approach each type differently.  When you think about getting into Affiliate Marketing there are specific marketing methods and techniques you will need to know.  There are certain steps you must take before you can even get your business off the ground.  Anyone who thinks that they can rush into this field and start without any sort of training or direction is aimlessly digging for needles in a dry haystack.

If you have the time and determination to learn what you actually need to do, then you can achieve your goals of becoming an Affiliate Marketer; and, if you do it right, you will make a substantial income from working even part time at home.  We hope you will be enlightened and guided down this incredible path filled with awesome income opportunities especially with the help of WA University where you can test the fires without getting burned. 

The journey may be rough at first, but you will soon adjust and find your way.  This experience is coming from a couple with a few scrapes elbows and bruised knees from crawling through the trenches, but still smiling. It's hard, hard work, but be determined and don't give up! 

Good luck! 
WJMarketer Group

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jatdebeaune Premium
Yes, it is different than corporate marketing, however the mind set is the same. You're still dealing with bring the customer to the product and vice versa. Your tools are different. Good to mix them up sometimes. Ads on land, ads on Internet. Internet marketing is more difficult because you are dealing with technology too. Technology has been my biggest learning curve. The good news is yes, you have to work very hard, but it's fun.
ana_nimoss Premium
Thanks for the encouragement. When you say hard, hard work, how hard?