Posts by Wkwood50 2
To All at WAU,First I want to thank those that visited and critiqued my site. Second I want to thank all those that are following me, although, I am not a member. I guess now I must explain.I took and completed the 10 day free trial. It was great, but I didn't learn enough in those ten days to really get me on the right track to making money using the internet. I did, however, pick up a few pointers that I believe helped the looks of my site. I worked 50-60 hours a week on my job and then ha
July 10, 2012
Okay, my time is almost up for the 10 day trial with WA and so far I have enjoyed it, but due to long hours on the job my free time for WA has been limited and there is so much more to learn. I have a website with a few ads on it and I think a pretty nice layout, however, I don't know if it is my articles, my approach to the niche or the niche itself that is keeping me from generating any sales.So today, I'm asking all that can, please look at my site, leave some comments or critique it