About Wmarti01
Joined May 2008
Hello all,
Wmarti01 here from sunny FLA. Today May 20th is my 39th B-day. So I have decided to make a change and take matters into my own hands. I'm here to succeed.
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GoGetta2008 Premium
is today your first day?
wmarti01 Premium
Hey Chris,
Sorry for the late response. I've reading some most of the things in the learning center and I just figure out how to use this. Good luck
Jane Doe Premium
Hey, it is a day late, but HAPPY B-DAY TO YOU. And welcome to WA. You made a great decision on your birthday, and therefor you will succeed. I also wish unto you great success, wealth and luck. Enjoy learning and using all you find at WA!
wmarti01 Premium
I've been reading a lot and this a little overwhelming, but no different than what I do at my regular job. WOW you're in Africa, That sounds exciting...
wmarti01 Premium
Yeah I'm kind of new. I invested in some affiliate sites with no success. I join WA 'cause of the info that's in here. So right now I'm reading as much as I can so that I can get a hold of the whole concept.
Devour Premium
Hi Wmarti, nice to see you here. I hope you will succeed soon. I wish you all the best
wmarti01 Premium
katya Premium
hi :) wlcome
wmarti01 Premium
Hey there Katya,
Thanks for the welcome note. I like your goals and ambitions. So how has it work for you so far? Any good tips????