Posts by Wolho 2
Yo yo, time for a quick update on what I've been up to these past few days. First of all, I've learned a ton of new stuff through the training and especially the WAbinars! So far I created two websites, one more of a general one on the Miami Heat, which can be checked out right here (i know, the lay-out still needs some work). I plan to add some kind of "Shop" page with affiliate links to all sorts of related gear, with new items being blogged about.. (any advice on this conc
Hi there, my name is Wouter, I hail from a small town in Belgium and I'm ready to start this adventure. This is all. or not.. I've been wanting to write this down for quite a while now and I'm guessing this is the best place to do so. So here goes.. It started when i was 12 years old. My teacher back then told me to make a drawing of what kind of profession we'd like to practice in the future. I ended up drawing a lawyer. No, not because of my parents or out of personal inte