Posts by Wootton 29
Hey guys I have spit shined this squidoo and you have seen it before but if you havent give me some stars plz!  Thank you PS if you want me to rate yours let me know!
April 25, 2010
Well I am making it happen, two sales today! This is just getting better and better, not only am I learning to make myself better, but its starting to pay! I am in love with WA( especially now that I dont have to pay for my account LOL). I am gratefull for every one that has helped me so far and the great lessons I am learning. Cant wait to get a few more, soon I will be at a 3 card poker table in Vegas, I know it! Thanks WA Luke
April 23, 2010
Man this is not easy, I am getting in deep and I am really not going any where. This is where I am a at, half way through the paid course for article marketing, half of a site, and half of the motivation. I need a kick in the pants people, I want to work but I am just turning into mush. Im reaching out for help, I am not anywhere near throwing in the towel but I need a direction. I have gotten a sale, now I need more. Maybe I will take off the website for a week and get some squidoos done and s
April 20, 2010
"And the days go by so fast" Thats for all my counting crows fans out there, if you never heard of them they are pretty much a part of the 90's college rock seen. And that title is actually a quote from " Long December", one of my favorite songs growing up. Now the reason I mention this is because when I reflect on my last months work and learning's, there is a part in the song that shows where I am at in my life. This is how it goes, And it's been a long December and there's
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April 07, 2010
Holy crap, I did it! I havent even got my sight off the ground and my squidoo is doing work still for me! It may only be twenty bucks but guess what , I earned it within two months of starting my career online. Its just the start of whats to come so look out here I come! peace WA and Thanks Luke
April 05, 2010
 Well my site is coming along nicely, definitely going to be something to check out. I am going to make a free course for people to take on there to get them started at affiliate marketing. The goal of course is to bring them here so they can get help from all the folks that helped me. I put up four vids so far on my site and more will be coming soon , so if you ever have some down time come drop me a line. . And thanks again to everyone that helped me in the start.http://workathome4real.c
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Well today i started, my first site ever!! I am going to give folks the chance they need to exceed in the world of online buisness. I have to give Eddy Salomon credit for giving me the inspiration of making this site. He is the maker of and has been helping people online for some time now.  People need the chance to be able to know what they are getting into when it comes to working at home. And I want to be part of the solution and not part of the
I am on Google WOOT!! my lens is getting better every day for 4 days of being up this is what my stats look like! Created on 03/24/2010. Last updated: 03/28/2010 Rated: (by 9 people) Summary Traffic Earnings Royalties Lensrank #4,514 overall #34 in Work At Home Well if you are board come rate my lens i want it to go to the top.Be sure to put your links in so i can rate yours! Here is the link if you want to vote!
March 25, 2010
Thanx guys for the kind words, it really lifted my spirits and gave me some hope! I am going to make this work no matter what it takes, i have never gave up before and i sure as hell aint giving up now. I had a info overload and my computer started acting up. I woke up today fixed the computer and told myself SLOW DOWN, BREATH LUKE. I need to find a direction and stick to it to see it threw. Its just finding a direction that seems a little tuff for now. If any of you guys have tips or pointers o
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