Posts by Wootton 29
June 29, 2010
I had two sales this morning from click bank. I made a PPC campaign and it has already paid for itself. From this campaign alone I am over 60 bucks of recurring income a month! WA brothers and sisters, if it wasnt for you, I dont know where I would be. I love all you guys and I hope you find what you are looking for. And hey if you ever want some help with any thing let me know!   To any one giving up, this is my fourth month here, you have to stick with it if you want to be the best. I
Well I have made a few sales for WA and I thought that was a good feeling. But when I saw that clickbank bar up and seen that I have been paid, my heart jumped. I have really been loving this site, thank you for everything guys. I cant believe this is all working!
Hey guys, I have found a great new forum online that will let you post your links and whatever else you want to online. It is a new forum and I think it would be best that we all make or selves a part of it now. This way we will have some seniority when it comes along. Put up your links to squidoo, promote WA, or even push clickbank products. Anything goes I will be there and I hope to see some posts so we can help get the ball rolling!
May 26, 2010
Its official, my WA account has paid for itself and then some. I will never leave these guys,not even if they tried to run me off! I have to say the road is bumpy, but every day it just seems to get better. Thank you Wealthy Affiliate for the oppurtunity that has been givin. Not only that, people here have guided me when I have made stupid mistakes. I would have been a hard headed fool not to pay attention to the ones who have came before me ( Jay, Joan, Eddy and any one who has helped me). This
Now that was a very nice course, I am going to do it again just to make sure I have it all under my thumb. I cant wait to take the PPC one as well, if you ever want my opinion on doing them, dont question it, just do it!
  You can now facebook in the privacy of your own............. COFFIN?  I think we might need to step back from the computer a bit,even if it kills us lol. Seriously though, remember your family, your loved ones, and all the ones that help you push through the hard times. Also remember that we are not here forever and we sure arent getting younger. Take time to kiss and hug the ones you love around you,they are the backbone of what we do this for. To make something better for them and
What is the appeal, I understand it is social networking, but I  just dont get it. Why would I want to constantly tell everyone what I am doing, I honestly seen one where I guy was on the dumper. Whats up with that? Any way I just want to now what everyone thinks about,call me curious.
Whats up all my WA peeps, I have come to make a update on what and how I am doing. So far I have a website (incomplete) 15 PPC ads, 3 squidoos, and 16 free affiliate networks. I even took some advice from potpiegirl and put a couple of golf PPC ads on face book. I will tell you how they do and what I used so maybe you guys can repeat it if it works. Now all that said, the road is still long, but I have came so far in three months Its really nuts. So to any one just coming in, welcome to the rest
Hey guys, calling on your help once again to get some ratings on my squidoo,please go give it a look and tell me what you think! Thanks again to everyone who has helped in the past, and if you need me to rate yours just let me know! Peace Luke
Video Games | | Hope you enjoy a quick anime reference, lol.
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