My Goal For 2010 Is To Make $80,000

Last Update: January 14, 2010

Hey Everyone,

 Just want to announce that I will be working my $$$ of this year to make a $80,000. This is not an easy feat but I believe I can do it if I stay focus and work hard and smart.

I have never made this much before but I know from deep down that I can do it. After all the 'Gurus' do it and they are human just as i am. Well they may have better resources but I will get them too.

So just stick with me and encourage me as we all try to help each other to success in the 'dog eat dog' world of internet marketing.

If you want to follow my journey, be sure to check out my blog at where i will give updates and all the info you need about the challenging feat!

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MarketingMan Premium
Hey checked out your site, lots of good info man. Im just starting out here so every little bit helps. Will be checking back in to get some more great tips from you. Thanks.