Are You Using Storify?

Last Update: June 07, 2012
Storify is similar to Pinterest with one huge difference - it is social storytelling. Instead of pinning pictures you pin tweets, blog’s, snippets from Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and pictures from Flickr or Instagram.

These elements are pinned to a page where you can narrate a story and arrange them any way that you would like. These elements are easy to pin by using the Storify Bookmarklet on your browser or from the storify website. Below is a sample page that I created on the Storify website.
I found that this is an easy way to pull together information and develop a story. One of the benefits is that you can go back and edit the story at any time.

My goal for this Storify post was to find members promoting the WA Open Education Project and pin their posts from twitter, facebook and You Tube. The results are below:

See the actual story here

The stories can be embedded on your website, posted on storify, emailed, shared on twitter, linkedin or facebook. There is an option to notify the people who you quote in the story. I selected this option to notify the WA Members that I used in my story.

I posted this Story on the Storify website, embeded it into one of my websites as a post, tweeted, facebook and used google +.

I placed my affliate link in the first line of the article.

I am in the process of writing a tutorial on how to use Storify. I was just wondering if any members of WA were using Storify. Is so, are there any tips that you would like to share below.

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veronica.l Premium
Don`t use Storify but I do use Spotify, very cool music site :)
Storify sound like a really cool tool have to try it! Thank you had not heard of this service before.
yessharon Premium
Storify is fairly new but it does have a lot of potential. Especially for creating blog posts. It captures facebook comments and tweets that might otherwise get lost.