Sharon's 2012 Goals

Last Update: April 06, 2012


This will be the year that I get all of my ducks in a row. For years I have made goals but have never made them public.  I am very happy that I joined WA and plan to become more active on the site.  During the day I am an awesome executive assistant for a very creative interior designer. My plan is to take the organization and computer skills that I have developed and use them for IM and to retire from my day job.


  • Add  articles, pages and information to my websites on a daily basis.
  • Write 100 articles by September.
  • Write an ebook for one of my sites by June.
  • Develop two resources for WA by July. 
  • Increase my IM income to $4000 or more per month by December 2012.
  • Be more social on the internet daily.
  • Finish writing my children’s book series by April 2013.


  • Change diet to eat more nutritious calories.
  • Take walks and stretch on a daily basis.
  • Organize my lists and calendars on my Ipad.
  • Continue to take online courses at


  • Take a trip to Disney-world with the Grandkids in December.
  • Spend more time with my immediate family.
  • Transfer all of our home movies to DVD’s and edit them.


  • Share knowledge with the world.
  • Enhance the environment that I live in.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I hope we can help each other at WA to reach our goals and grow as a group. The whole is always greater than the sum of its parts.  If you need any help with popular computer programs such as Word, OneNote, Excel, Outlook, gmail, Wordpress or the  Ipad -  just shoot me a message and I  will try to help you out.


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Behealthy Premium
I enjoyed reading your goals Sharon. Write down a task for you complete each/week and break it down. Good luck.
chamaltatis Premium
Great one here Sharon! So you're also a graphic designer? I'm a video editor and I'm also trying to maximize my skills through learning from I'm currently learning Dreamweaver CS5. Next will be Flash.
yessharon Premium
I studied Wordpress Essential Traning at and learned all of the ins and outs of the TwentyTen Theme. It is a great place to learn - just 15 minutes of video watching a day can really up your knowledge on any subject. I think that the WA OEP will teach us a lot.

I am currently working at a home interior design studio, I manage the company website, create newsletters, emails, fliers and tutor the staff on how to use their computers..