First Post For The New WA

Last Update: September 16, 2009

My very first post.

Life has been pretty awesome since April 2009. How awesome it is? 

First of all, I've just graduated on July 2009. I started my full time in Internet marketing since 11 May 09, 2 days after my fyp presentation. I've been waiting for this for more than 1 year because I don't want to work.

I'm not running away from the reality life. I'm just desperately wanted to get myself a business, work on it, and try my best to achieve my first million dollar in RM (USD1=RM3.4) by the end of 2010.

I put consistent efforts to my niches everyday, now i'm seeing it reaping. 

99% of my work are through article and squidoo marketing. Recently, I just started using all the free web2.0 properties doing internal linking for some of my niches. 

SEO is another of my strength that keep most my articles and lenses rank high and stick  for long...

Well, it's time to get back to work. 

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