My first 10days at the WA University

Last Update: January 10, 2010

Hello fellow students and teachers,

Yes there are teachers here also!

10 days ago I purchased the WA University membership and these ten days were flying by. I spent most of my time at the forum reading as manny topics as I could. 

When people are starting here the most asked question was : "Where do I begin?" That's normal, because the info at WA is overwhelming. The reason why we all joined this membership site is to learn in what way we can make some money in the online world.

Therefore I started my learning curve at the WA Super Affiliate Program. My main goal at the moment is to promote this membership site in as many ways as I can. So I think that this is a good starting point.

So, I'm going back to learning mode now.

See you all later!





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sophia13 Premium
Thanks for your blog...i will watch your space and I wish you every success!
zeroprivacy Premium

Thank you for you comment. I'm also doing the OWM from Jennifer (PPG). I'm looking forward to read your tutorial.
thesue Premium
Welcome Phillippe

While you are learning at the Super Affiliate, you might want to also try a simple campaign. Look for Pot Pie's Mind Eraser method-- or she has a new one in the tutorial for newbies, I think it is the first one on the training page--so you have something tangible you can use in your articles promoting WA.
good Luck Get those color coded 4x6 codes out Hopefully you've read my organization tutorial!