About Advancing Carole
Joined August 2010
It's thanks to PotPieGirl that I am here at WA - I did a search on defining a niche group and one site led to another - you know how it goes! I am a writer and teacher and have been told that I am 'a great encourager' so hope to live up to that in any way I can on WA.

I live in Ramsgate in Kent UK just 3 mins from the sea - great for creativity. I have had a burning interest in IM for the last three years and now I have found WA I know that there is nothing stopping me now from achieving my goals.

I love quotes and the one that comes to mind right now is from Mike Litman who says " You don't have to get it right, you just have to get it going". My interpretation of this is that it can be all too easy to fall into 'analysis paralysis' and then not to take action for fear of not having 'it' quite right yet. Guess that can be so relevant to IM !

So, with that in mind had better get on with my website!
looking forward to meeting lots and lots of you

*please do add me as buddy*

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famousplumber Premium
Hi! You're wantin to help others already and that is one of WA's strong points. Good for you!

Larry (famousplumber)
famousplumber Premium

Encoragement comes from the heart, not from your body of knowledge. Encourage away! Who says you are a newbie? You are an educated and caring person, moving forward in your life's endeavours.

Larry (famousplumber)
Hi Larry,
My strength is in my ability to encourage people but as a 'newbie' not sure how that might work yet
thank you, kind sir

Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME to the WA community!
Glad to have you here! :)
Old Mizer Premium
Welcome to the team Carole! I sense you will become one of the team players in not time. This community can never have enough of them. I wish you the best of luck.
Thank you - yes I intend to be and welcome any advice

Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
I am really pleased to be part of this community and hope also to be able to be of help to others very soon