About Alfredfernandes
Joined April 2008
Hi WA Friends,

I'm Alfred Fernandes from Bangalore, India.

I worked in Abu Dhabi, UAE, for an oil company from 1972 – 1990 and now am back to India.

Got involved into Online Marketing since over two years. The first year was purely a learning phase, purchased a few mediocre programs and ebooks which just added to my confusion. Since one year after joining Wealthy Affiliate University, I feel that, I am in a safe learning place. Now more optimistic of moving into a right direction in this highly competitive field of Online Marketing. The best part is, there is so much to learn, learn and learn at WA University.

My main online interests include Article Marketing in Squidoo and Hub Pages. I liked Site Rubix because I didn't have any clue about HTML, fixed up some good sites already, and am happy about the quality of my sites which has definitely improved! Earlier I used Front Page - laborious job!

Once I make some money I would like to try Adwords in which I have gained knowledge through Beating Adwords as well as WA PPC Course. I'm also interested in blogging through which I guess, I should get more traffic, so wish to try my hand at that too shortly.

Another field of my interest is - technical analysis of shares using Equis Metastock software, and day trading in stocks and futures. I like studying stocks charts to determine suitable investment entry and proft-booking exit points.

Being simple I mostly like simple, soft and less-spoken friendly folk. My hobbies too are simple - enjoy walking, some breathing exercises, small meaningful prayers and little meditation to keep self and mind energetically peaceful.

Wishing all of you at WA - Peace, Success and every Happiness.

Alfred Fernandes
Alfredfernandes's Accomplishments

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ManWithPlan Premium
Hello there!
I am totally new~ Hope I can learn from your IM experience!
alfredfernandes Premium
Hi Jonathan,

Welcome, you have landed in the right place! You'll get right IM coaching at WA. Also search for useful info in WA forum. Wishing you every success and happiness.
TWD Premium
Hi Alfred,

Just a note to let you know I added you to 'My Buddies'. I'm not sure exactly what all that does except give me a way to 'bookmark' your information for future reference. I found you while responding to a message from ThomasJones and am thoroughly impressed by your sites. I'm just getting started here and what you've shown me deserves some gold ;-)

Now, how is it that you can put a smiley in your blog?
alfredfernandes Premium
Hi Dennis,

Thank you for adding me as your buddy. Now it's my turn.

Your blog and sites are something special. I'm just starting with blogs. Maybe shortly I'll ask you for blog tips.

Till then wishing you continued success and every happiness. Regards.
giftbay Premium
Thanks for your words of wisdom! I hope I can do this! There is a lot of reading.
enterprise Premium
I was just taking a break, Week 2 and 3 courses under my belt, I was just learning about article writing to promote traffic to my web site. I think i will need to review that again. I don't quite get the connection or how it links to my website yet. Oh well I can't expect to get it all at once. Please feel free to visit my space any time. Jack B
alfredfernandes Premium
Thank you and welcome to WA community.

With all the tutorials and tools at WA you'll soon learn the IM techniques. I've added you as my buddy.

Wishing you every success and happiness.
rajput441 Premium
Hello dere..
I have just joined the WA community. Could you tell me what should I do except [8 week action plan] to be on the right track. :)
alfredfernandes Premium
Hi Rajput,

Welcome to WA learning community. I'm sending you a pm.

Wishing you all success.