Do you need a therapist?

Last Update: June 15, 2010

I like to visit WA blogs and forums on my blue days.  They are filled with questions and comments and brags from  passionate people trying to change or improve their lives, and I find my inspiration here.  I also find plenty of company (misery loves company).  Want success?  Hang out with successful people (there are plenty here). Want to be a good student?  Don't hang out with me, for sure. 

I have a lot of people that I have to prove them wrong.  Reading Success Stories is my favorite thing to do here.  It says, I can do it...even on my blue days.  Instead of spending tons of money seeing a therapist, people should just join WA to see what we are all about.  Well, I am still not going anywhere (excuses, excuses, summer, kids, stuff...), but I am a good cheerleader!    S-U-C-C-E-S-S FOR YOU! (especially someone in mind, today).

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maureenhannan Premium
Don't you hate it when your comments/posts get eaten by the WA monster? Should we call him/it Wally? Well, consider yourself invited for a Reston Town Center pomtini one of these days. I understand the anonymity....and "Ana" kind of suits you. "Nimoss" has a bit of a film-noir feel to it, don't you think? Mysterious and quasi-Swedish. I'm being silly...time to get to bed!
ana_nimoss Premium
I wrote a long message regarding your rock/paper/scissors/ blog, but my computer went down and lost it! I just wanted to tell you to hang in there, and the best revenge is success!! I had plenty of zombie-friends. Who need them! And, by the way, I said, me! me! to the pomegranate martini. I have my reason for staying ana-nimoss (have a promise to keep although I always feel some kind of distance with my name and avatar, even when I write messages..), but I know where Reston is. I know people from there. If I ever get to visit there, maybe I will PM you! (not sure when...)
maureenhannan Premium
Oh, Ana! You're great. Thank you for your wisdom--and for your shiny gold. :-) Wish you lived in my neighborhood, girl.