About Andii
Joined May 2009
Hi I'm Andii - new to IM (but not new to marketing and sales). Currently based in London but have lived and worked in US. Hyped to be part of this community and VERY excited about learning IM in a structured way following my recent months of eratic research LOL. For the past 15 years I have worked in partnership to develop small businesses and brands (offline) in music, fashion, learning and development and hospitality (award winning restaurant).

I am at heart a "creative" and I love picking up on trends before the mainstream. My idea of happiness developing and marketing outstanding niche products for a global community.

I am currently "between projects" and most days (and nights) I'm in my home office researching and writing (to the frustration of friends and family LOL).

I am EAGER and on FIRE to now start my 3rd business and undertake my first steps into IM. WA looks like "my kinda people" and I'm looking forward to collaborating and growing within this community.

My "WHY" is an amazing 14 year old daughter who I want to travel the world with (before she flies the nest and forgets about her old mom LOL) and the desire to look at some other interesting / profitable niches.
Andii's Accomplishments

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Golotia Premium
Welcome! One thing I have learned is Internet Marketing can be done offline! So you should be good to go! Good Luck!
Golotia Premium
Yeah I get that a lot! Hopefully the journey will be long and fruitful!
Andii Premium
Hi Golotia - thanks for the welcome and I LOVE the pic...looking forward to travelling this road together.
nikao Premium
welcome to WA friend!
Andii Premium
Hi Nikao - thanks for the wecome - wome I have a buddy in the Philippines....I have just looked up Philippians 4:13 - great word! I'm just making the connection Philippians and Philippines - wow! Looking forward to walking this road together. Have a great weekend.
Kirst Premium
Hi to another Andii
If you are waiting for week 2 to come along then pop over to the learning center and find more resources there.
I see you have tried squidoo already..wow! that was fast.
you a fast learner?
If you need a free guide just drop me a PM and I will send it over to you.
ALl the best.
Creativity is a big key.
Learn, take your time and apply what you learn.
try not to get anxious! I only started seeing a few sales in my third month here besides one random one right in the beginning! Its not easy or quick money!
all the best
Kirst Premium
Hi Andii you been to okinawa? wow! awesome
pop in when you next over here.
drop me a line if you need any help with article marketing
all i can say right now is choose ONE product, and stick with it until you see traffic then sales then move on...
dont move all over the place!
Andii Premium
Hi Kirst

Thank you so much for the really good advice! Your in one of my favourite places...I visited there a while back and have vowed to come back with my daughter (who loves all things oriental) but not yet made it...

Its really great to see your goals and achievment of them so far. I am setting realistic goals too but not yet posted them here - they're on my office wall on lovely pink, yellow and green Post-It Notes (wasn't the guy/gal who invented those amazing!) :-)

Lovely pic of you with dolphin.

Speak soon.

PLM Premium
interesting websites
I had no idea anyone wrote a book about about guys like me. I never knew that all "bad boys" were toxic.
JK of course!
Andii Premium
Hey PLM - don't even try to front as a bad-boy - I can see right through you LOL - love your profile - yes life brings amazing twists and turns and every adventure and experience is something to learn from, share with others and develop a niche LOL
Ezinewriter Premium
Hello Andii and welcome here. I can see that you are well on you way to be a very successful internet marketer. Enjoy your experience and good learning at WA.
Ezinewriter Premium
Hey again Andii! Thanks for your kind reply... Actually my hair is not as red as in the picture LOL but more like strawberry blond or what ever they call it :)
Andii Premium
Hi Sylviane (lovely name!!)

Thanks for stopping by to say Hi - I'm admiring your lovely red hair (I've been threatening to dye mine red for too many years (LOL). I'm feeling very inspired to get going this week and get a page up on Squidoo...so I'll be reading your tips first...!

Thanks again for the lovely warm welcome. Andii