I Don't Think So

Last Update: July 12, 2010

I joined WA on a whim in the fall of last year. I thought there would be some good stuff on here. Until recently I haven't had the chance to really check in.

 I've been internet marketing for two years and I currently own 14 domains. They have nothing to do with WA. I just did them.

I've also done the eBay thing and have made thousands of dollars with eBay. I have also done quiet well selling books and things on Amazon and promoting Amazon products.

I started to go through this lame Action plan but when I found out I had to promote WA and send emails to my friends...it sounded too much like MLM and all those Gurus who have sold me the end all program only to find out they want me to promote their product. I HATE THAT.  Oh and I need to get 5 buddies. To be blunt...I Don't Think So.

What the hell does all that crap have to do with internet marketing? If I need 5 buddies to talk to about internet marketing I'll go to the Warrior Forum where there are real marketers hanging out and not a bunch of whiners.

Anyone who has joined WA and doesn't know how to build a simple website should in my opinion LEAVE. Spend your 40 or now 100 dollars a month and get an education.  For 1200 bucks you can learn a lot at your local community college about building websites, SEO, and marketing. There are a lot of smart people hanging out at the community college. I'm still not all that sure about WA. 

Everybody here seems so concerned about writing 200 or 1000 articles. They are led to believe that is how they need to get backlinks to their sites.  If you write 20 "good" articles and distribute them to the top 10 or so directories and you don't get any sales then one of a few things are true.  Your articles suck, your product sucks or your methods for promoting them sucks. All this crap about spinning articles...if you can't write 20 good articles and promote them then you need to just quit.

I'm a big fan of FREE promotion. But if you aren't willing to learn and do the basics Free or Paid traffic will do you no good.

I think Pot Pie Girl and Travis are tops and I have purchased their products and learned from them but...I think that there are a lot of people here thinking that "Bum Marketing" is a quick way to riches. I think Jennifer and Travis would be the first to  tell you its not. 

Pot Pie Girls One Week Marketing lacks one major ingredient for faster results and that is using social media to its full extent. 

There are a lot of people here trying to make fast money and I have two things that will do it for them....BUT you must have the basic ground work laid out first to utilize them and  thrive with them...They ARE...CPA & PPC. 

Bum Marketing is the basic form of Internet marketing but when you get to the point of using CPA and PPC your efforts will multiply at an expotential  rate.

 The next level is really the biggest secret of all IM gurus. That is having your own product.  Now I don't have my own product yet but its in the works. When you have your own product there are lots of things that you have going for you.  You can have 100's of affiliates selling and promoting your products. Think about it...you don't have to worry about SEO,, writing articles, PPC or anything else when you have your own product. But your affiliates do!!  You aren't spending money on PPC...your affiliates are!  You aren't  writing articles about your product ...your affiliates are! They will even go out and get a domain to copy your products name and build websites about your product.!

When you have your own product and its being sold or sometimes even given away...all the links within the product make you money. From web hosting to software tools, membership sites, to more ebooks,  Web hosting recommendations alone account for a big chunk of some long term gurus monthly income. Even links within a product promoting Commission Junction and CPA networks are affiliate links for that Guru. They will get 3% or more of every thing that you do.  While you are chasing a $30 dollar commission they are getting their cut of the cheese but they are also getting all those commissions from the stuff they are promoting in their book.

YES, Even Pot Pie Girl and Travis are doing the same thing. That is why so many people write "incomplete" products for Newbies. Newbies want what they have and they think...WOW I need that tool @ $20 a month. I need that Web Hosting she recommends. I need to get my domains from Go Daddy like Joe Marketer has.  I need the paid version of Spy Fu, I need to upgrade to the book they just sold me.  I need to join WA for $100 a month.Etc, etc, etc...

Well all I have to say is...I Don't Think So.






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Jonathan93 Premium
Your two posts are golden -- straight to the gut and zero hype. I'm looking forward to learning more from reading your blogs, and have sent a 'Buddy Add' request so I can follow along easier.

Thank you.

-- Jonathan93
Joe56 Premium
I'm a former Amway distributar and I wasn't happy when I saw that WA wanted me to e-mail 5 friends about becoming affiliates either! How can I recommend something I know very little about! Once I've finished the 12 week course and am up to speed and believe it can work, then I'll start promoting WA! I lost a close friend because I hoodwinked him to come to an Amway meeting! I was following my upline's instructions and in doing so I basically lied to my friend. That will never happen again!
jatdebeaune Premium
Hmmm...interesting blog. Thanks. You don't have to market WA. I don't. The buddy thing is probably just to get people introduced to the community. I agree about all the articles. Frankly, I don't know how people do it. I'm too much of a control freak to put my reputation in the hands of someone else, like farm them out. I write my own and I don't spin either. If your articles are really good, then maybe you don't need as many. But it's a good way to get ranked for keywords and make yourself known. How do you use social media? I'm stymied on that one, especially Facebook. I totally agree about your own product. Too many people are in the "how to do IM" niche. How many more of those products do you need? People are already cynical. And if you do make one, it had better be darn good. I'm working on a product right now, but it has absolutely nothing to do with IM. Have you been into the site map here? It's a great way to zero in on information you need and want. Not everybody is a techy, so newbies have to learn some of the technical things like how to put up a website when they get here. It's OK, they/we learn. I put my sites up before I arrived here to. Still want to try WordPress Express. The Forum here is informative and friendly, frankly, generous. Warrior Forum is not always that friendly. All of this said, WA is not for everyone. I personally am enjoying having a sounding board and a community of kindred spirits. No one to talk to at home. Worth the price of admission. I didn't get much out of my local community college. People weren't much into sharing. WA is far better. I see you've been here about as long as I. Different strokes for different folks. If you aren't getting value, then maybe it really isn't the place for you. All in all, it's up to the individual. Have to tough it out. No one can do it for you.