My Last Week at WA

Last Update: July 25, 2010

This will be my final week at WA.

No, I'm not broke or can't afford it. The fact is I never needed WA. I've made out OK learning on my own. I really don't see how my contributions are either needed or appreciated so I am moving on.

I DECIDED to retire at the age of 51 this past June. My original plans were to retire at  55 but I DECIDED two and a half years ago to make it happen before my  52nd birthday which is next month. I Decided to quit my job if I could make 150k doing Internet Marketing alone. I've accomplished this and a whole lot more.This amount does not include my real estate holdings and my retirement accounts and such.

I am building a townhouse in the Florida Keys and I will moving there before the end of fall. I'm going on an extended vacation so I won't be around anyway so I think it's time to go.

I've enjoyed being of help to those I could help and I apologize to any who have felt that I was too rough or arrogant or any other of my bad attributes.

If anyone has any questions of me ask. My only policy is I will not reveal my sites because I've done it before and I got hacked and copied. So I simply don't do it any more.

To all those who have not yet made money  Internet Marketing I have this to say... Learning Never Stops. You can make it if you try. You don't have to cheat to win. There is plenty of money for everyone. Your attitude determines your success. Build and Move on. Don't dwell on failures but build on them. Moving on sometimes IS THE ANSWER. Learn to be a quitter...quit procrastinating, quit justifying, quit pretending, quit stopping short of your goals, quit following the rest of the sheep, quit buying all the new stuff.  You probably know enough NOW...Get started, build, move on, tweak later.  Build something new, move on, and tweak later.

The universe loves action. Take action and move on. Keep moving. See what works and find out what doesn't work. Don't stop, Don't question, Don't reason. Fix the stuff that don't work and move on. Keep building, keep moving, keep trying, KEEP AT IT. Keep Learning.

As for me...

"...I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep. Miles to go before I sleep."




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tport144 Premium
I wish you the best with your new ventures. Your posts have helped me decide which directions to take in the IM world and which to avoid. I hope to achieve the success you have and value the lessons I have learned from you.
iFaith Premium
Aah Arbie, just when I was starting to follow your posts, you
move to the Florida Keys and leave WA behind! It will be a big change - all that water, sand and wind - you'll be bored out of your mind; I know I live in the tropics myself. Enjoy your new IM chapter - and if you get bored with no people to sass you, then come right back! WA is richer for all kinds of people - and you are one of a kind. Take care and blessings!
jatdebeaune Premium
aRBie, I'm going to miss you. You have been an excellent influence here, and your ideas and attitude are inspiring. I always feel sad when people leave, but when it is someone I start to see as a friend and kindred spirit, it's even harder. I wish you great happiness in the Florida Keys.
I just joined WA and I've enjoyed reading some of your posts. Even though I don't know you very well, I'll miss seeing you on WA. Congratulations on all the success you've had and enjoy the FL Keys. All the best to you.
NEA03 Premium
NOOOOOOOOO! Don't leave! *I* do appreciate and need your contributions. Hey, we all have bad attributes. I like your blog posts and the advice you give to others in the forum I really like what you say about adsense, I even downloaded the ebook you recommended. It sucks that some idiots hacked your sites because I wouldv'e loved to have seen them. Anyway, Florida Keys sounds nice, have fun there. I'll miss reading your stuff, unless you change your mind and stay :)