Trust But Verify

Last Update: July 09, 2010

Our late great President Ronald Reagan was willing to listen to the leaders of what was then the Soviet Union. His motto was "Trust But Verify".

 I hate to say it but there are some people on WA that are considered Junior Affiliates and there are those that are considered Intermediate and Wealthy Affiliates and some of the so called Intermediate and Wealthy Affiliates are freaking stupid. Posts by some of the Junior Affiliates are much more valuable than some of the Garbage the so called Intermediate and  Wealthy Affiliates are spewing out.

 I had one guy (A Wealthy Affiliate) who spent $250 a year for a PR7 backlink.  He claims that is only 12 dollars a month!!! I think I should send him an affiliate link for a calculator.  He thinks that having ONE PR7 backlink can shoot you to the number 1 position on Google Search pages. Horse Feathers...

 Don't be fooled people. There are players here that really don't know what they are talking about. Regardless of their ranking.  And...there are people here that DO KNOW what they are talking about...Regardless of their ranking.

 Like President Reagan said...Trust but Verify.

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