Swimming in the Deep End

Last Update: March 07, 2010

Wow, it's been a week since I decided to join WA and my head is swimming with all the new information I've found here. That's fantastic! The reason I joined WA was to have a resource that would point me in the right direction and keep me on course.

I spent most of this week browsing, reading, as well as, starting the prescribed training course. I've tested most of the tools. I've explored searching for niches, familiarized myself with the science of keyword research, registered a domain name, built a practice website with Site Rubix and uploaded it to the web hosting here at WA.

My Experience and Opinions

I found Site Rubix to be adequate but basic. I have some web design experience and Site Rubix I feel is more suited to those building their first website. I am looking into other free alternatives such as Wordpress and others. I want something that is quick and easy to use but offers more flexability than Site Rubix. If you have no website creation experience then Site Rubix is a perfect way to begin.

The Plesk interface on WA hosting was loading extremely slow and, though I was successful in the end, it was very frustrating. I messaged Kyle and hopefully the issue is being resolved. If you are having issues with Plesk I urge you to send a message to Kyle or Carson. (I can't imagine the amount of correspondence those two must receive daily and for them to discern the priority and validity of comments and issues will probably take more than a single comment from a single user.)

Otherwise, I am very happy with my WA experience. The information found here is priceless and (I'm convinced) applicable to a successful internet marketing career. 

All in all, it's been a great week and I have no regrets forking over the dough to be a member of the WA family. 


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drelisabeth Premium
Thanks for an insightful analysis of your experience here so far. I appreciate it as I am a newbie and just starting the exploration process.
instead Premium
When you have decided on a niche to promote I'd be interested in learning what and why. I have some off site research tools I'd be happy to run it through also.
Good luck and keep us posted! ~James