About Arina23
Joined December 2009
I am a mother of two, who just recently got married for the second time! :) Not that long ago I moved from California to Washington state to be with my honey, and it is cold here!
I have an eight year old son from the previous marriage and a baby boy with my now husband. We are all very happy together.
I used to work at the beauty store for the past eight years but had to quit in order to move to Washington and start a new life. The thought of going back to retail or work for anyone else but myself makes me sick to my stomach. Robert Kiyuosaki says JOB stands for "just over broke". So with that in mind I have decided to become an affiliate marketer and take control of my own destiny! Wish me luck! ;)
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Ezinewriter Premium
Hello there! Yes JOB sucks. Welcome to WA :)
Arina23 Premium
Thank you! :)
music_mom30 Premium
Arina23 Premium
Thank you! :)
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME ! Glad to have you here !

Feel free to PM me of you need help. Good luck ! :)
Louise M. Premium
oh I completely understand that feeling ! Yep WA is a great community, very supportive. :)
Arina23 Premium
Thank you so much. I am getting a lot of help offered here, and am very grateful. It is so nice to be able to talk to people that you have something in common with. All of my friends and family are treating this as a joke. Can't wait to prove them wrong! :)
Slugger_mn Premium
Robert Kiyuosaki is a smart guy... I have read almost all of his books... Very smart guy!
Slugger_mn Premium
Well, I have been in both IMing and Real-Estate.. Good to have more then one form of income.. the more the better! Let me know how things are going, and if you need help just let me know!
Slugger_mn Premium
umm.. Well.. I started with article marketing which is what Bummarketing is.. Then I went on to PPC a litte. .. But I didnt like that, so I went back to article marketing(cause its free and works well) and now I am doing some product creation.. so Kind of all of the above haha
Arina23 Premium
yup... That's what I heard. I haven't read his books yet, it's on my to get list. I read his article in the Success magazine, and was fascinated with his way of thinking. Everything he said in there went completely against what I have been told my whole life, in a way he is the one that inspired me to do my own thing and not work for the big man anymore! :)
Arina23 Premium
Thanks a lot. I'm still just trying to figure things out. So much to learn. I feel like my head is going to explode from all the new information I'm getting... lol. Are you more into bum marketing or PPC campaigns?
PaintMeFancy Premium
Welcome to WA and Good luck!!
Arina23 Premium
Thank you!