First blog by the Starter user to check for the other issues

Last Update: March 22, 2022

This is to check for the blog and other changes done here. The other messages are not showing now.

You may be viewed as just a "click" to some website owners, however. And that is part of the problem with the internet, and the content creators out there that don't full grasp the human element of their business. If you don't communicate in a way that is engaging, interesting, and that captivates your audience they are all ONE click away from the same way they were a click to arrive.

Visuals are important. We grow up reading picture books as children, and that never leaves us. Sure you can write content without any sort of imagery within it, but it will lead to far less engagement.

You are NOT writing for search engines. That is where most people get confused when they sit down to write content. Of course, you are focusing on getting ranked, but that is going to be the byproduct of your content being well-designed, very engaging, readable, and with a focus on the reader.

Check for the other issues if they exists.This is the test for the other changes now.

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