Posts by AstroX 2
  Today I spent my afternoon brainstorming for the future design of my site  Finally I came across with this beautiful theme for Wordpress. I had initially thought of creating JWA from scratch but due to time; I decided to go for the theme. Quick and SEO ready!  I really have no web building knowledge but I did manage to create my own site from scratch with  patience and dedication. I'm extremely happy to start tweaking this theme and finish it s
Hello there, I'm Jose and I've been a member here at WA for only 39 days, and, boy it feels like a long time because of the huge amount of provided resources  Recently I posted about my first success that involved getting someone to join to WA under my affiliate link [] As a newbie mindset, online success is not really hard to believe it happens but I guess it's harder to believe that success could happen to YOU. Literal